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Meet the team

Strategic direction for the Trust is shaped by a productive partnership between those in governance (members, trustees, and local advisory board members) and senior leaders.



Gemma Piper, CEO
Gemma Piper

Gemma Piper - CEO

Gemma joined The Park Academies Trust in September 2024. Gemma brings a wealth of experience and a proven track record in school improvement, she began her career in education in the classroom, teaching Computer Science and Business Studies. She was Headteacher of a high performing large secondary school with a sixth form and two resource bases. This was the founding school of a small trust which subsequently led as CEO. In addition to her CEO role at TPAT, Gemma serves as an Ofsted Inspector, offering valuable insights and expertise from the regulatory body. Her multifaceted experience positions her well to drive continued growth and excellence within TPAT.


Rachel Surch
Rachel Surch

Rachel Surch - Director of Primary 

I am an experienced primary practitioner and have spent 18 years in leadership and 9 years as the headteacher at Red Oaks. I am very proud to be part of the TPAT family and I strongly believe in inclusion and raising standards through an exciting and broad curriculum that optimises fun and challenge.

I love my job and consider myself privileged to have the opportunity to shape the future of Swindon children. TPAT primary schools are always striving to be creative and dynamic; often found to be leading new initiatives and encouraging fresh opportunities.

I am fortunate to work with a wonderful primary team who are keen to share ideas and be at the forefront of education. TPAT primaries work alongside our secondary colleagues who are like-minded in realising the potential of primary and secondary collaboration and developing a seamless transition for pupils.

I look forward to welcoming and working with new primary partners with whom to continue this exciting journey towards excellence.

David Williams
David Williams

David Williams - Director of Inclusion

David Williams (Executive Director of Inclusions for The Park Academies Trust) has a BSc (Hons), a PGCE, and a research Master’s degree in Learning and Teaching specialising in student well-being from the University of Oxford. He completed the National Award for Special Educational Needs Co-ordination in 2014, and the National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH) in 2019 and he is qualified to test for JCQ examination access arrangements. In 2017 David completed the Master’s level Attachment Lead qualification.

David was a trustee of the British Dyslexia Association from 2010 to 2020, and was joint non-executive Chair of the Management Board and Chair of the Trustees from 2018 to 2020.  David is currently a Trustee for the Wiltshire Dyslexia Association and since 2018 he has contributed to the All Party Parliamentary Group for Specific Learning Difficulties. In 2007, he received an international scholarship for his research into the use of mindmapping techniques with ASC students, and in 2011 was named Dyslexia Teacher of the Year.  David is frequently invited to speak to groups of SENDCos both locally and nationally. 

David is a member of the Swindon Strategic Special Educational Needs Board and sits on the Swindon and North Wiltshire Professional Leaders Network for the Clinical Commissioning Group. David chairs the Swindon Sendco Champions and the Secondary Sendco working group.

Craig PashlerCraig Pashler

Craig Pashler - Interim CFO

Craig brought over 25 years of financial experience to TPAT, covering financial accounting, management accounting, analysis, senior decision making and strategy. Having trained and qualified as a Chartered Management Accountant within industry, Craig moved into the education sector in 2006.  Craigs first role in the sector was with an educational trust which had a mix of Independent schools and academies and where he onboarded (financially) 27 schools\academies. During his time here Craig completed an MBA from Warwick Business School.

Following that role Craig moved into a private equity backed, global independent school’s organisation where he was based in their UK corporate office. He returned to the Public Sector (2014) joining a MAT as Financial Controller and working his way up to CFO, a position that he held for five years.  That gave Craig experience of the breath and scope of what is involved in holding a senior role within a large organisation.  Craig also continued his executive training and achieved a Post Graduate Diploma from Warwick Business School.

Craig continues to support the not-for-profit sector in his personal time and in recent years has held roles including Trustee and hands on ‘front line’ volunteering in local charities.

Tracey DyerTracey Dyer

Tracey Dyer - Head of Governance & Policy

Tracey has over 20 years’ experience of governance, and has held senior governance roles in a large international confederation, and two UK universities.  Areas of specialism include corporate and charity governance, data protection, and policy.  Tracey joined The Park Academies Trust as Head of Governance and Policy in 2022.

Voluntary roles have included company secretary to the INGO Accountability Charter (Accountable Now), which was founded in 2008 by leading international civil society organisations, and parent governor of an outstanding secondary school within a multi-academy trust in Oxfordshire.