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Our Schools

The Park Academies Trust is a mixed phase Trust educating approximately 3000 pupils ranging from nursery through to sixth form. A key feature of the Trust is the importance we place on developing curriculum alignment and a smooth transition between primary, secondary and post-16 education.


The admission arrangements for each of our schools can be found in the Admissions section on the individual school's website along with details regarding how to appeal and the appeals timetable. 


Admission Arrangements 2026-27 Consultation

Consultation on proposed changes to the Admission Arrangements for Abbey Park School, Lydiard Park Academy, The Deanery CE Academy, Red Oaks Primary School and Kingfisher CE Academy

The Park Academies Trust is consulting on revised School Admission Arrangements for all of our schools mentioned above. Our intention is that these revised arrangements will be in place for entry for the academic year 2026-27.

Please see further information in the 'Related Documents' section below.